rethinking why performance matters through the matter of performance
Performing Idea



Saturday 2nd to Saturday 9th October 2010

Whitechapel Gallery

This small sound and video archive looked at examples of the performance lecture as a form of artistic and critical expression and its potential to address a broad range of cultural issues and philosophical ideas. A selection of items from the Performing Idea Archive were shown and discussed at a presentation by Gavin Butt and Lois Keidan on 7th October 2010 at Whitechapel Gallery.

The archive is available for consulation through the Study Room at the Live Art Development Agency and at Whitechapel Art Gallery. Below are a list of the works included in the archive. For a complete description of each item, you can download the archive freesheet here.

Marina Abramovic
Performing Body, Live Culture (2003, 118 minutes)

John Baldessari
Sings Lewitt (1972, 13 minutes)

Jérôme Bel
The Last Performance (a lecture) (2004, 80 minutes)

Mel Brimfield
This Is Performance Art – Performed Sculpture and Dance (2010, 35 minutes)

Tania Bruguera
Tatlin's Whisper #6 (Havana version, 2009, 53 minutes)

William S. Burroughs
Lecture on Public Discourse (1980, audiotape, 90 minutes)

Marcia Farquhar
To The Shelter (2010, 10 minutes)

Goat Island
Lecture in a Stair Shape Diminishing (2001, audiotape, 62 minutes)

Guillermo Gómez-Peña
Live Culture Symposium Lecture (2003, 60 minutes)

Raimund Hoghe
Throwing The Body Into The Fight (2000, 75 minutes)

Lone Twin
Walk With Me, Walk With Me, Will Somebody Please Walk With Me (2000, 70 minutes)

William Pope.L
Live Culture Symposium Lecture (2003, 26 minutes)

John Waters
This Filthy World (2007, 86 minutes)